Archive for the ‘visual poetry’ Category

the electro library

April 27, 2012

Another serendipitous find: This is a page from an issue of MERZ, the Dada journal published by Kurt Schwitters in 1923. ( I was actually looking for merz, a German journal on media education.) It features extracts of El Lissitzkys text “Topography of Typography”. El Lissitzkys proclaims pen and ink dead and stresses the importance of the relationship between content, typography and the mechanics of print, and the predominance of the visual over the phonetic. Ah, I just found a translation here. The text ends with this enigmatic sentence:

“The printed page transcends space and time. The printed page, the infinity of the book, must be transcended. THE ELECTRO-LIBRARY.”

Its odd, no?  It sounds like he is talking about the internet and world wide web  – in 1923.


January 7, 2012

I cannot remember where I found this. Must be written in the tradition of Christian Morgensterns Fish’s Nightsong from 1895.

more writing magic

October 14, 2011

by Arturo Carmassi via gramatologia 

love poem

October 14, 2011

by Marian Bantjes via  gramatologia: 

global revolution

October 8, 2011

I’m all for it. Joining in on 15 October 2011.

(again I could not locate the original source of the picture, sorry.)


September 26, 2011


Tupigrafia by Fefe Talavera via Gramatologia

word collage

September 22, 2011

Here are instruction by ms art for work in the classroom: making collages of words out of images on my artful nest: word collage.

a literary stroke of genius

September 12, 2011

from Emblem of My Work:

After the success of the first two volumes of Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne was commissioned to produce more. The bookseller who had sold copies of Volumes I and II, James Dodsley, published Sterne’s sermons under the title The Sermons of Mr. Yorick in 1760. In January 1761, Volumes III and IV of the novel became available to purchase, so 2011 marks not only the publishing of the volumes but also the 250th anniversary of Sterne’s most remarkable literary stroke of genius – the marbled page contained in Volume III.

If you carefully examine page [ 169 ] in Vol. III in the original edition, four fold marks define the edges of the marbling and also create the surrounding margins. The central section of p.169 was laid upon the marbled mixture in order that a coloured impression could be taken as cleanly as possible. It was left to dry and then reverse-folded so the other side of the paper could also receive a marbled impression. This side of the paper became page [170]. So, the marbled page in every copy of Vol. III (in every edition*) is different – each impression being a unique hand-made image.

In the text opposite on p.168, Sterne tells the reader that the next marbled page is the ‘motly emblem of my work’ – the page communicating visually that his work is endlessly variable, endlessly open to chance. *contemporary editions have printed marbled pages, the majority in black and white, so the whole point of the multi-coloured marbling is rendered meaningless.


February 8, 2011

As other people have said, the iPhone is actually not such a great phone, but I love the fact that I  have a reasonably decent camera in my back pocket. This picture I took a while ago . It says what it is: BILD = image.

altered books: tree of codes

January 21, 2011



Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer is the second book published by Visual Editions, according to S.Oliveros “Tree of Codes has done something no other literature has done before, and that is; every page has a different die-cut. It is a sculptural masterpiece as well as being an incredible story.”

I did not realize altering book is part of a contemporary trend, when I started blogging about them. There is a growing collection of altered books on my blog, so I am considering atarting a new category.  This one looks particularly interesting as it becomes a sculpture while remaining a readable book. So delicate.

season’s greetings

December 16, 2010

I got these greetings from the Institute of Education. Do they read my blog?


field of dreams

September 18, 2010

by Jason DeMarte.
click to enlarge

fairy tales 2.0

May 9, 2010

You can create your own Google search stories now with the Google Search Stories Video Creator made by Korean designer Ji Lee. I just made this one.

spot the difference

April 9, 2010

Diptych Riddle by Matthias Hammer and the quote “I find the romanticism of the tasteless delightful” (Max Brod, 1913) from here:

abstract comics and concrete poetry

April 9, 2010

Two books I came across recently, online, but have not held in my hand. They both look interesting in their own way.

Abstract Comics: The Anthology edited by Andrei Molotiu and the blog dedicated to abstract comics: Here a discussion about abstract comics.

2. Concrete poetry book “wild life rifle fire” by Paul Siegell. You can get a signed copy here:

more books

April 9, 2010

Book sculptures by Paul Octavious here:

digital storytelling

April 9, 2010

Parisian Love is a promotional video by Google. Made in the vein of Michael Wesch’s videos I cannot help liking it. It is is really well made.

academic writing

September 19, 2009


Graph by Dingo from

My son is in the process of applying for universities, the whole family involved in the game. I am happy that he sucessfully completed school, and that he is clever and mature for an eighteen year old.  But I cannot help worrying about his first steps into this strange world of academia. This pie chart from makes me laugh, as there is some truth in it. It could be turned into a tool for teaching students how to write essays:

You cannot brag if you don’t know something about your subject, which you can show off, so do it. Ass Kissing means that you have to know the important players in the field, who said relevant things. You should acknowledge, what you have learned from them. You don’t have to be sycophantic, though. Sometimes clever Name Dropping is enough, to show that you know what you are doing, and that should be included in the chart. And well, the slice of Relevant Content could be bigger.

Of course there is also the other side, the bitter truth about the essays you get from students. No comment on this chart, it speaks for itself:


Graph by: cheez_masta via Graph Jam Builder

To round it all off here is a Calvin & Hobbs cartoon:


I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe

July 4, 2009

ive seen things 3

click to enlarge

I have made another version of this quote from the Blade Runner, this time with an image of Orion found on Wikipedia. Why do I bother?  Because I am curious about many things, painting, filmmaking, writing, craftwork and more. Experiencing the process of making things adds another layer to my understanding of certain cultural practices. And I have seen things you people wouldn’t believe. At the same time I don’t know if this will avail anything. So here we go, this is my first shot at digital remix, or fan art.

tangled alphabets

May 1, 2009
Detail from Letter to a Genera 1963, by Leon Ferrari

Tangled Alphabets is a current exhibition at the MOMA in New York about the work of Mira Schendel and León Ferrari, There is also a publication. 

León Ferrari (Argentine, b. 1920) and Mira Schendel (Brazilian, b. Switzerland, 1919–1988) are considered among the most significant artists working in Latin America during the second half of the twentieth century. Their works address language as a major visual subject matter: the visual body of language, the embodiment of voices as words and gestures, and language as a metaphor of the worldly aspect of human existence through the eloquence of naming and writing. They produced their works in the neighboring countries of Argentina and Brazil throughout the 1960s and 1980s, when the question of language was particularly central to Western culture due to the central role taken by post-structuralism, semiotics, and the philosophy of language. Although their drawings, sculptures, and paintings are contemporary with the birth of Conceptualism, they are distinctively different, and have not yet been exhibited in their entirety in the United States.

The exhibition can be viewed in detail also through an interactive flash site.

Detail from Objetos Graficos by Mira Schendel, 1972

This piece is really a sculpture, and should be seen large. I love the way the alphabet swirls out of the vortex, a galaxy in the making, a big bang. In biblical cosmology “in the beginning there was the word,” in Asian cosmology in the beginning there was the sound, the AUM. Here we have vision of how the language and signs came into being.

The Letter to the General above is beautiful piece of calligraphy in an imaginary script as a part of a series of “deformed writing”. It reminds me of “pretend writing” – emergent writing of children. Apparently the artist said “it is difficult to write a ‘logical’ letter to a general” so there we have a play with nonsense and mystery.

See also Shaker visual poetry, love letters and the slow act of writing.


May 1, 2009


I discovered this multidirectional poem by Amelia Walker – it can be read left to right or down the columns on the first issue of verbeatehim. It is called “garden”.

Through her website I found out that she also does poetry and performance workshops with children and it seems she has great ideas. I wonder how the poetry pets work. Here is also a neat little warm up exercise for writing poetry with children:
