Archive for January, 2009

the spirit

January 31, 2009

and what he does with words and books! love it.  

More on the comic classic on


January 31, 2009


Illustration by Saul Steinberg. His used to combine words and pictures in a unique way. Some of his images can be bought as a set of notecards: Wordscapes. Currently there is a Steinberg exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London. Some more of his wordscapes are here on illustration art. (via lines and colours)

This one I found here on artcritical:


more love

January 31, 2009


Last year these love banners were created by 10 New York designers to be displayed on Times Square. I cannot find the site, where I found the images, so apologies, and please let me know if you do.

the image is the mother of the word.

January 9, 2009


das bild ist die mutter des wortes

Das Bild ist die Mutter des Wortes

I made another visualisation of a quote by Hugo Ball, in German  “Das Bild ist die Mutter des Wortes.” (the image is the mother of the word.) on RoboType.

word and image are one

January 8, 2009
wordandimageareone - visual poem - sigrid jones

wordandimageareone - by sigrid jones

I don’t play digital games, but I do like to play with digital tools. In the recent holidays I was playing around with some more poetry generators, which I found online. 

My favorite outcome is this visual poem, which I created with the composer on RoboType. This is a great little online tool for creating visual poems with four classic types of font. “Robotype, a type comoposer, that allows playing with letters as graphic elements, exploring each one of the forms, something so extended as typography, draw, design, compose, create.” It allows you more control over the image  than this concrete poetry generator which I posted about here. I guess, if you know how to use design software you can do things like this elsewhere, but I don’t, so I think it is a nifty little tool, and easy to work with so that it could be also used by children. (I just could not figure out how to upload images on the web gallery.) I hope I will find the time to use this generator more often.

The text is based on a quote by dadaist and later mystic Hugo Ball, from his “Dada Fragments” from 1916 “the image and word are one”. Visual poems have been created before, but the dadaists were this first group of people to really explore and experiment with words and letters liberated from their context. When I was a teenager two boys tried to woo me with poems, one used a medieval minne somg, the other one Kurt Schwitters’ Anna Blume. Dada won.

The poetry generator is based on a project, which turned Schwitters’ book Die Scheuche. Märchen (created with Käte Steinitz & Theo van Doesburg) into an online interactive story book, or game in Flash. You could say it is a very different kind of alphabet book. I would like to know what kids make of it.