Archive for October, 2007

raining words

October 19, 2007


Here another kind of digital screen made of water, a waterfall screening words picked up via a certain algorithm from the Internet. “Bitfall” is an installation by artist Julius Popp, currently on view on Vienna’s Karlsplatz, but only untill the end of the month. The video is worth watching, because still images cannot convey the sense of transient beauty created by the gentle rain of words, briefly appearing and disappearing in the falling water. And Renauld Huberlant posted a visual poem by Apollinaire from 1916, if I understand right with my poor French, about the sound of rain. Talk about multimodal.


digtial screens

October 13, 2007

Currently engaged in reading and thinking about of vernacular creativity, in term of digital practices such as computer gaming, amateur photography and photosharing and new uses of traditional handicrafts such as knitting and crochet I came about Patricia Waller’s work in needlework and crochet.

Patricia Waller

Patricia Waller 2

read some more about it (in German) here:
Computergames und Bildstörungen by Helga Maria Bischoff

I love the way these images make apparent older uses of “digital” and “screen”, the image built up pixel by pixel in the slow process of stitching (with your fingers), the stitching canvas, which often is stretched over a frame, making a stitching screen. And the way it combines the opposites of kitsch and the crafts of needlework, associated with domestic feminine practices, and computer gaming, asscociated with male geeks. (This work dates back to 1997) It also reminds me of the Lous XVI petit point upholstered chairs, which Gertrude Stein’s partner Alice B. Toklas made after a design by Picasso. Unfortunately I have never seen a picture of those.

left and right brain conflict

October 10, 2007


“The great pleasure and feeling in my right brain is more than my left brain can find the words to tell you.”

Roger Sperry, Nobel Price Winner

this is not a photo opportunity

October 7, 2007

in London, Paris, Munich

This is not a photo opportunity, by simonbooth

Not a Photo Opportunity, by d.wieclawska

This is not a photo opportunity, by jan.martin



October 2, 2007


One of my most talented former students, Eva Petric, is having an exhibition at Suppan Contemporary and is publishing a book of poetry. She is inviting to her book presentationn “hearing pictures, seeing poems” on Oct. 4th.